Aerospace Acronym and Abbreviation Guide
December 2010
Avionics proudly presents the fifth edition of our biennial Aerospace Acronym and Abbreviation Guide. Updated with the latest terms from the magazine’s pages, this comprehensive guide has grown to more than 3,000 civil and military acronyms.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- J-UCAS joint unmanned combat air systems
- J/S jammer-to-signal ratio
- JAA Joint Aviation Authorities
- JCA joint capabilities area
- JCA Joint Cargo Aircraft
- JAR joint airworthiness requirement
- JAR-OPS Joint Aviation Regulations Operations
- JAR-AWO JAR-all weather operations
- JATO jet assisted takeoff
- JCAB Japanese Civil Aviation Bureau
- JCAT Joint Combat Assessment Team
- JFET junction field effect transistor
- JFEX Joint Expeditionary Force Experiment
- JFX Joint Forces Exercise
- JHMCS joint helmet-mounted cueing systems
- JIIM joint, interagency, intergovernmental and multinational (U.S. Army)
- JIM Joint, Interagency and Multinational
- JIPT joint integrated product team
- JPALS Joint Precision Approach and Landing System
- JPDO Joint Planning and Development Office (U.S.)
- JPEO Joint Program Executive Office
- JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- JPO Joint Planning Office
- JPS journal processing system
- JRANS Japanese regional air navigation system
- JRC Joint Resource Council
- JSTeF JTRS Science and Technology Forum
- JSAT joint system acceptance test
- JSF Joint Strike Fighter
- JTAG Joint Test Action Group
- JTIDS joint tactical information distribution system
- JTRS joint tactical radio system
- JUAS COE Joint Unmanned Aircraft System Center of Excellence (U.S. Army)
- JV joint venture
- JVMF joint variable message format