A CSeries test aircraft leaving the runway. Photo: Bombardier |
[Avionics Today 06-15-2015] Bombardier has announced that, based on flight tests results, its all-new CS100 and CS300 aircraft are exceeding their original targets for fuel burn, payload, range and airfield performance. In addition, the CSeries aircraft are on track to meet noise performance targets, making them the quietest commercial jets in production.
The company, which has recently suspended or slowed production on other aircraft, has confirmed that the CSeries aircraft’s maximum range is up to 3,300 nm, some 350 nm more than originally targeted. Bombardier also claims that the aircraft is delivering more than a 20 percent fuel burn advantage compared to in-production aircraft, and a greater than 10 percent advantage compared to re-engined aircraft.
“The CSeries performance is better than advertised,” said Fred Cromer, president of Bombardier Commercial Aircraft.