UTC Aerospace Systems relaunched the company’s Aircraft Data Management solution as InteliSight™ with added functionality that integrates hardware and software applications to deliver critical data, and communication links including access to real-time weather and aircraft health and performance information, to flight crews and airline operators. Access to this data allows operators to avoid turbulent weather, increasing safety and enhancing passenger experience, in addition to aircraft component health monitoring which can improve operational efficiency. The InteliSight platform is aircraft and mobile technology agnostic and can be tailored to specific operator requirements. The platform has been certified on a wide range of aircraft platforms and validated with major global airworthiness authorities.

Intelligent flight for airlines requires collecting, analyzing and delivering the right data to the right people, at the right time, in order to make decisions that will improve safety, situational awareness and/or operating efficiency, all while reducing crew and operator workloads. The InteliSight platform integrates and delivers actionable data via the aircraft interface device (AID) in conjunction with mobile and/or hosted applications to enable flight crews and ground operations to make decisions ranging from optimal flight profiles to predictive maintenance. The open platform design of the AID allows operators to host various applications from a range of providers, including those developed by UTC Aerospace Systems and third parties. The ability to host these applications will help expand the functionality of the AID throughout the life of the aircraft.
With a focused shift to proactive strategies through advanced data and predictive analytics, the InteliSight platform cost effectively gives operators the ability to solve current and future challenges. With a modular and scalable hardware platform that’s upgradeable via on-wing software updates, InteliSight can adapt to technology advancements and ongoing user needs.
“UTC Aerospace Systems has a longstanding history of enabling safe, cost-effective and technologically advanced flight operations,” said Steve Rausch, general manager for sensors and integrated systems. “The InteliSight platform is at the core of our aircraft data management system, providing each operator the critical data they need to optimize flight operations and minimize disruptions from unscheduled maintenance.”
For more information about InteliSight visit utcaerospacesystemsefb.com.