ATM ModernizationIndustry Scan New Displays for DC-9s Northwest Airlines selected Universal Avionics Systems Corp.’s MFD-640 multifunction display for retrofit in its fleet of 162 DC-9 aircraft. The new color displays will replace RDR-1E and RDR-4A…
Business & GAOne-on-One with Thales' Francois Lureau The year 2000 brought fundamental change to Thomson-CSF, now called Thales. First, there was the acquisition in June of Racal Electronics Plc, the UK manufacturer of a wide array of aerospace electronic…
ATM ModernizationAvionics System Design: The Pitfalls of Long-Term Storage Storing and archiving design, service and production data is far trickier than it might initially appear. The original data often is computer generated, which means it must be stored in some electronic…
Business & GAThe Pulse of the Databus Market This year looks good for avionics databus technology in the United States. Numerous products will ship in the first six months. The Mil-Std-1553 market holds its own, with new aircraft programs and…
CommercialEditor's Note: The UWB Can of Worms The issue of ultra-wide-band (UWB) technology’s possible interference with the Global Positioning System (GPS) signal has become nothing short of a can of worms. We’ve followed this issue intently for several months…
ATM ModernizationFeedback Avionics to Kill GA? After reading your February 2001, Avionics Magazine articles on ultra-wide band (pages 20 and 28) and Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (page 16), I felt compelled to write to you…
MilitaryPower-By-Wire A new electro-hydrostatic flight control and power system, intended for the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), promises to revolutionize fly-by-wire technology. Calling it "power-by-wire," the Lockheed Martin JSF team developed the system and…
MilitaryJSF Down the Wire Competition for the multiservice, multinational Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program is tightening between Boeing and Lockheed Martin. Small wonder. The JSF program is cited as one of the largest fighter production programs…