AWIPS II. Photo: Raytheon. |
[Avionics Today 05-05-2015] Raytheon Company’s Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System II (AWIPS II), a forecasting analysis and display toolkit, was recently installed at all coastal Atlantic National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Weather Service (NOAA/NWS) Weather Forecasting Offices (WFO), making advanced visualization and data analysis capabilities available to forecasters.
Developed by Raytheon for NOAA/NWS, AWIPS II was installed at 22 tropical offices in March, ahead of the planned April program milestone, delivering the new tool ahead of hurricane season. AWIPS II is being installed at all 122 WFOs across the U.S., including the 13 River Forecast Centers and nine National Centers. The National Hurricane Center in Miami, Fla., will use AWIPS II to issue graphical forecasts during the 2015 hurricane season, which begins on June 1 and runs through October.
“Early delivery means there will be no interruptions in the vital service provided by the National Weather Service forecasters,” said Andre Tarro, Raytheon AWIPS program manager. “Raytheon was able to bring a novel architecture to make AWIPS II installation efficient and fast, with software installation times measured in hours.”