From left: Frank Brenner, director general, Eurocontrol and vice chair of the SESAR JU Administrative Board; Florian Guillermet, executive director, SESAR Joint Undertaking; and Henrik Hololei, director general for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), and chair of the SESAR JU Administrative Board. Photo: Eurocontrol |
[Avionics Today 09-07-2016] Eurocontrol and the Single European Sky ATM Research Joint Undertaking (SJU) signed an agreement on Sept. 7, outlining Eurocontrol’s new role and commitments including $562 million ($500 million Euros) in the SESAR JU’s extended mandate for airspace modernization. Signing the agreement with SJU, Eurocontrol accepted a series of commitments and engagements for the SJU’s extended mandate, which runs until 2024.
The SJU is responsible for executing the European ATM Master Plan, the roadmap for modernizing Europe’s air traffic management system, laying down specific deployment milestones and goals. With its newly extended mandate, SJU needs the same operational framework, which has proved to be workable and effective to date. SJU also has to make adjustments to the agreement to take into account the new EU financial regulations and the Horizon 2020 EU framework program for research and innovation.
“Today’s agreement signals Eurocontrol’s continued commitment as co-founder and active member in the SESAR partnership. I believe that it is only through this type of collaboration that we can improve the overall performance of the European air transport network,” said Frank Brenner, director general of Eurocontrol and vice chair of the SESAR JU administrative board.