US CBP King Air 350. Photo: Core Systems. |
[Avionics Today 07-10-2015] Core Systems, a provider of rugged computer solutions, will be supplying FAA-compliant display panels to support the Minotaur mission integration system, allowing multiple aircrafts to share information from multiple sources. Manufactured by Core Systems, the 7-inch, 12-inch, and 17-inch wide high bright panels were specifically designed to meet aircraft requirements.
The Minotaur open-architecture, government-owned system is currently used on some Navy and Customs and Border Protection aircrafts so the Coast Guard can leverage the Department of Defense’s logistics including maintenance, training, and spare parts, resulting in lower life cycle costs.
The engineering work from Core Systems included pre-production display panels for new aircrafts so they could incorporate the specialized equipment necessary to carry out Coast Guard missions. This process included installation of radar, sensors, and other command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance equipment that enables the aircrew to collect and process surveillance information for transmission to shore and surface operators. Minotaur will be the processor used to integrate those specialized systems.