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13345 Results

November 01, 2000

Avionics System Design: How Parts and Systems Age

Aircraft have very long operational lifespans. Most provide greater than 20 years of usable, high…

November 01, 2000

Safety in Avionics: EMI: A Serial Killer?

The airspace over the Atlantic Ocean immediately east of New York’s John F. Kennedy International…

November 01, 2000

EGPWS: Look What It Can Do Now

It’s more than 30 years old, and yet it keeps evolving, gaining new capabilities. Ground…

November 01, 2000

New Life for Old F-16s

Rapidly advancing electronics technology means that cockpit equipment becomes outdated much more quickly than the…

November 01, 2000

A New Kind of DVD

UK-based IEC International has developed an in-flight entertainment (IFE) DVD in-seat system that is said…

November 01, 2000


People flick them, push, punch, twist and pull them. But few give much thought to…

November 01, 2000

New Products

3-D Software Global Majic Software Inc. has introduced its 3DLinX version 1.5 language-independent software for…

November 01, 2000


Aeroflex: Gregory, UTMC President Aeroflex Inc. has appointed Charles "Chuck" Gregory as president of UTMC.…

November 01, 2000

Industry Scan

Diel Avionik Systeme: Germany’s Largest Avionics Supplier Champagne corks were popped and broad smiles surrounded…

October 01, 2000

Avionics System Design: Flight-Following Via E-mail

Knowing where a plane or helicopter really is has considerable value to ground-based personnel. We…