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13345 Results

January 01, 2002

New Products

Test Set Catalog IFR Systems Inc., Wichita, Kan., has published a new product catalog, covering…

January 01, 2002

Two Options in Bizjets Upgrades

At the 1999 National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) conference and exhibition, Honeywell unveiled its Primus…

January 01, 2002

Safety in Avionics: Kudos for TCAS Stance

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has taken a significant step toward the oft-proclaimed theology of…

January 01, 2002

Industry Scan

Notebook for Lauda Air Austria’s Lauda Air has selected Itronix Corp.’s X-C6250Pro and GoBook notebook…

December 01, 2001

Avionics System Design: Voodoo Audio: Part II

In last month’s issue, I began telling the history of the poorly understood subject of…

December 01, 2001

Editor’s Note: Loran-C: Comeback Kid?

Enthusiasm filled the air at the International Loran Association’s (ILA’s) 30th annual convention and technical…

December 01, 2001


No RoboLander Soon I enjoyed your "Safety in Avionics" column titled "Anti-Hijacking Avionics" (November 2001).…

December 01, 2001

How Vulnerable is GPS?

On Sept. 10, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DoT) released a report authored by its…

December 01, 2001

What’s New in Corporate Aviation

Thales on Global Express The head-up flight display system (HFDS) developed by Thales Avionics has…

December 01, 2001

New Products

Digital Transceiver Park Air Systems has introduced a new digital radio for the air traffic…