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13345 Results

August 01, 2002

New Products

ELT Techtest Ltd., Herefordshire, UK, offers a new automatic deployable, emergency locator transmitter (ELT) beacon,…

August 01, 2002

ARINC Standards: Where They Come From, Why We Need Them

We in the aviation industry know of ARINC standards but may not know how they…

August 01, 2002


Drake Electronics Ltd.: Green, Sales & Marketing UK-based Drake Electronics Ltd. recently added Bruce Green…

August 01, 2002

Product Focus: VHF Radios

Digital VHF technology marches forward at a steady pace. The Build 1 phase of the…

August 01, 2002

Safety in Avionics: Clueless in the Cockpit: Part 1

This is the first of two cases in the docket for discussion. The second and…

August 01, 2002

Industry Scan

Boeing Nabs JTRS A Boeing team won an $857-million U.S. Army contract to develop the…

August 01, 2002

Test Standardization and Interoperability

In an effort to decrease the cost and increase the efficiency of automatic test systems…

August 01, 2002

ATC Simulation: USAF Takes a Giant Step

The Training Systems Product Group at the Aeronautical Systems Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, in early…

July 01, 2002

Test Cards for the Airbus 380

As the Airbus 380 program moves forward, a specialist avionics data bus supplier enjoys a…

July 01, 2002

Wanted: Small Package, Big Performance

It’s a matter of wanting it all. Aircraft operators seek antennas that perform multiple functions…