Traffic and delays soar in Eurocontrol August operations report. Photo: Eurocontrol |
[Avionics Today 09-12-2014] Eurocontrol has released its operations report for the month of August, in which air traffic reached the highest level recorded for this month in the last five years, a total of 2.4 percent over the course of the month. Along with the increase in traffic came an increase in delays caused by bad weather that affected airports and en route traffic and caused staffing and capacity shortages, among other issues.
Compared to August 2013, total Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) delay increased by 98.1 percent with en route delay up by 77.5 percent and airport ATFM delay increasing by 145 percent from the year before.
The report also noted a continued decline in traffic to the Ukraine and Russian Federation following the crash of MH17 in July. While European traffic continues to avoid the Ukraine passenger traffic to and from the Russian Federation has declined 7 percent when compared to last August.