18-20 ION National Technical Meeting 2006, the Hyatt Regency Monterey, Monterey, Calif. Contact Institute of Navigation, phone 703-383-9688 or visit www.ion.org.
23-25 System Engineering for Project Managers, a short course offered by UCLA Extension’s Department of Engineering, Information Systems and Technical Management. Call 310-825-3344, e-mail shortcourses@ uclaextension.edu or visit uclaextension.edu/shortcourses.
30-31 Future MRO in Civil Aviation, conference held in Central London. Contact SMI, phone +44 20 7827 6192 or visit www.smi-online.co.uk.
6-7 Mission Planning, conference held in Central London. Contact SMI, phone +44 20 7827 6192 or visit www.smi-online.co.uk.
6-9 Components for Military and Space Electronics (CMSE) Conference and Exhibition, Sheraton Gateway Hotel, Los Angeles. Contact Components Technology Institute Inc., phone 256-536-1304 or visit www.cti-us.com.
8-10 AUVSI Unmanned Systems Program Review, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C. Contact the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, phone 703-845-9671 or visit www.auvsi.org.
14-16 ATC Maastricht, MECC, Maastricht, the Netherlands. Contact Ana Mandaric, CMP, phone +44 207 921 8545, e-mail [email protected] or visit www.atcmaastricht.com.
19-20 Unmanned Systems Asia-Pacific 2006, Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore. Contact the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, phone 703-845-9671 or visit www.auvsi.org.
20-22 Vibration and Shock Test Fixture Design Training, Amerisuites Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nev. Contact the Equipment Reliability Institute, phone 805-564-1260 or visit www.equipment-reliability.com.
21-26 Asian Aerospace 2006, Changi Exhibition Centre, Singapore. E-mail [email protected].sg or visit www.asianaerospace.com.
6-9 22nd Annual National Test and Evaluation Conference, Hyatt Regency, Jacksonville, Fla. Contact the National Defense Industrial Association, phone 703-522-1820 or visit www.NDIA.org.
7-8 Air Power Transformation–An Appraisal, Conference & Exhibition, Sheraton Roma Hotel, Rome, Italy. Contact Shephard Conferences & Exhibitions, phone +44 162 860 6979, e-mail [email protected] or visit www.shephard.co.uk/airpower.org.
8-9 Avionics 2006, conference, co-sponsored by the Simply Group Ltd. and Avionics Magazine, at Expo XXI in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Contact Adrian Broadbent +44 208 542 9420, e-mail [email protected] or visit www.simplygroupltd.com.
27-28 WAEA Asian Content Market 2006, Swissotel, Stamford and Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore. Contact the World Airline Entertainment Association, phone 703-610-9021 or visit www.waea.org.