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13328 Results

April 01, 2001


Federal Aviation Administration: Peacock, ATS Director The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has Bill G.…

April 01, 2001

Safety in Avionics: Watching Your (Aircraft) Weight

In an industry where safety is based on the twin pillars of precise procedures and…

April 01, 2001

Industry Scan

Caravan Fitted for IFR J.A. Air Center, West Chicago, Ill., recently completed a new Cessna…

March 01, 2001

Avionics System Design: Learning from the Florida Recount

Last year, the world was treated to an amazing demonstration of unintended design consequences, packaged…

March 01, 2001

Cabin Management at the Press of a Button

Ask a question about cabin management systems and the reply is often another question: What…

March 01, 2001

The U.S. Army’s Virtual Cockpit

Virtual reality (VR) is not a new concept; it has been used to design and…

March 01, 2001

Editor’s Note: Bats and Air Traffic Control

Ever wonder how bats–thousands of bats–are able to fly within the confines of a pitch-black…

March 01, 2001


Airborne Silent Movies In your "Outlook" coverage in the January 2001 issue (page 30), you…

March 01, 2001

One-on-One with Smiths Aerospace’s John Ferrie

Smiths Aerospace is a company on the move. Last year, it forged ahead aggressively, acquiring…

March 01, 2001


L-3 Communications: Didier, VP-Business Development L-3 Communications Display Systems named David Didier vice president-business development.…