MilitaryHUD/EVS: Beyond Infrared The Sensors Directorate has planned data collection exercises and analyses to help decide which modes to develop under AALC's sensors option. The directorate's approach to 3D would estimate an object's height by…
Business & GAIridium, Comeback Kid The products built by the VAMs are tailored to a variety of airborne applications, with unit sizes ranging from 2 MCU (modular concept unit) to three-eighths ATR (air transport racking). The products…
ATM ModernizationNew Products Electronic Flight Bag New from CMC Electronics Inc., Montreal, is a second-generation electronic flight bag (EFB) designed to bridge the gap between low-end PC tablets and high-end Class 3 EFBs. Based on…
ATM ModernizationPeople Ganase, President Aviation Communication and Surveillance Systems (ACSS), a joint venture between L-3 Communications and Thales, has named Kris Ganase as its president. Prior to joining ACSS in 2001, he was vice…
ATM ModernizationPerspectives: New Era For a New Loran In the last several years, while the United States migrated away from a sole-means GPS approach to critical infrastructure operations, Loran has changed, as well. It has rapidly evolved into a modern…
CommercialSafety: Terrorists on Camera Message to terrorists: Try to hijack an airplane, and you'll be on "candid camera." Video imagery of events in the cockpit or cabin could be transmitted to the ground using the existing…
ATM ModernizationScan Diamond DA40 Approval The Federal Aviation Administration has awarded Garmin International a supplemental type certificate for Diamond Aircraft Co.'s DA40 Diamond Star. Diamond is now authorized to deliver DA40s with Garmin's G1000…
ATM ModernizationScan ADS-B Down Under With a contract issued and the elimination of all en route radar set as a goal, Airservices Australia marches ahead in establishing a nationwide automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) system.…