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13328 Results

May 01, 2003


Garmin Chosen for the Mustang Cessna Aircraft Co. has chosen Garmin International’s new G1000 integrated…

May 01, 2003

System Design: Dispersing Heat: The Solutions

In my last column (April 2003, page 47), I noted problems associated with waste heat…

May 01, 2003

Best of Both Worlds

Here is a question many pilots probably have asked: "Why don’t they make a flight…

May 01, 2003

Learning About Electronics Electronically

Although the classroom and instructor are not about to exit aviation training, the traditional methods…

April 01, 2003

Editor’s Note: Predicting the Recovery

It is not a scientific study. Still the survey that Helios Technology conducted at the…

April 01, 2003


Some Tanker Background In reference to your "Smart Tanker" story (January 2003, page 18), I…

April 01, 2003

How Fractional Ownership Impacts Avionics Support

Time was when a clear distinction existed between air transport and corporate aircraft operations. The…

April 01, 2003

Joint Strike Fighter: Faster, Cheaper, Simpler Support

The F-35 will take aircraft support to a new level. Imagine, for example, a combat…

April 01, 2003

MLS: Back to the Future?

To many experts in the United States, the microwave landing system (MLS) is past history–one…

April 01, 2003

Europe’s Energized Mode S Program

Following a decade-long gestation period, Eurocontrol’s ambitious Mode S surveillance program is accelerating. On March…