Embraer has tapped ALTYS Technologies for its POCKET test tool, ALTYS says. The Brazilian manufacturer plans to use the technology for the testing of data link functions based on very high frequency (VHF), including aircraft communications addressing and reporting system (ACARS), VHF Data Link (VDL) Mode 2 and aeronautical telecommunications network (ATN).

Photo: ALTYS Technologies
POCKET has been delivered to Embraer’s Melbourne, Florida, facility. There, the technology is to support validation efforts for applications embedded in Embraer’s avionics equipment. This includes controller-pilot data link communications (CPDLC), automatic dependent surveillance-contract (ADS-C), departure clearances (DCL) and digital automated terminal information service (D-ATIS).
An all-in-one test set, POCKET is composed of a small radio transceiver, mini antenna, and laptop or tablet embedding ALTYS’ communications system and test application. It emulates ground networks to provide quick validation of airborne data communications systems. The technology also provides automated in-depth reports for post-test analysis and troubleshooting via its web portal.